Eulogy for Daniel Campos-Lopez

Dad’s Eulogy

As I was going through some boxes of dad’s old stuff (pictures and memorabilia), long forgotten memories of my dad came to the surface. It’s been over 2 months since he passed, and new memories are still coming.

I suppose everyone who has lost a loved one has that experience. My brother and sister mentioned that this was happening to them as well.

As the memories have resurfaced, a visual history of his life has developed in my mind. I can see how he grew – how he matured, how trials and difficulties in his life had shaped him. He was not the same man at the end as he was at the beginning. He was willing to change.

Dad was always a Hard Worker. He was always busy doing something; whether it was working on a project in the house, doing yard work outside, going back to school for his Masters degree, or achieving the highest enlisted rank in the Air Force (Chief Master Sergeant). He put extra effort into everything he did.

He was also a Man of service. He served his country for 35 years, 4 years in the Army and 31 years in the Air Force.

More importantly, after he retired from the Air Force, he began serving God.

One of the first things I remember him starting was a men’s prayer breakfast at his home. A small group of men would come over at 6am on a weekday, and I think they called the group “The Morning Eagles”. Dad would cook up a big breakfast and then the men would share their prayer needs before praying together. I was able to go a few times and I always left encouraged.

He started other ministries – I don’t remember much about them.
In 1999, he and his wife Linda founded CASA ministries: Which stands for:
C – Circulo A – Amor S – Servicio A – Alabanza/Adoracion (Circle of Love Service Praise/Worship)

Their ministry focused on the needs of the Hispanic community. The 2 things that he shared with us the most often were testimonies of how God was working as they visited churches, shared the gospel of Jesus Christ through music and the Word, and conducted Hispanic Chapel Services in the prisons.

Many other services which are listed on the flier at the table in the atrium.

They completed a music project in June 2002 called “Daniel, Among the Lions”, and sold CDs and Cassettes to support their ministry financially. He had a beautiful baritone voice and sang God-honoring songs in various hispanic styles.

A memorial of my dad would not be complete without commenting about his sense of humor. Some might say he was mischievous. But he liked to make people smile. At restaurants he never failed to tell the waitress a joke – usually just a one liner. I think telling a joke with a spanish accent seemed to make it funnier because when I would try to re-tell one of his jokes all I got was crickets. Family gatherings were a hoot because it seems they all had that same humor.

As I said, my dad was not the same man at the end as he was in the beginning. He was willing to change. From my earliest memories to the last time I saw him, the biggest change, I believe, was his willingness to put aside self and think of others first. I’m very proud of all my dad’s accomplishments, but the thing I’m most proud of was his desire to be more like Jesus.

I have a couple of videos that my dad made using songs from the music project he and Linda completed. One is called “Sonrie” (Smile) and the other is Psalm 23. But first, I wanted to read a text my dad sent my siblings and me on September the 9th, at 4:50 pm. For me, it was his last text.

Blessings my dear children! It has been very difficult for the past week. Had appointment with oncologist yesterday. This morning he called to inform that there is nothing they can do for me. He recommended HOSPICE. They did a good job with your Mom during her last days. There is no time frame, only God decides that. Please pray for a peaceful, painless transition. I love y’all so much. Keep your eyes on JESUS.

A little after midnight, on September the 13th, God honored that prayer and took my dad home. Home with Jesus.

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